With submitting your work/applying you understand:

✰ You hold the rights and credit to your work and are consenting to A La Moda magaZINE’s rights to display and publish your artwork in any way our organization wishes without an expected payment. 

✰ You are consenting to the A La Moda directors to envelop your creation within a layout.

✰ You will not be able to obtain the layout of the zine under any circumstances unless you have purchased a copy of the zine.

✰ Your work must not be previously published.

✰ You are the creator of the artwork and your artwork is an original creation

✰ If others contributed to the creation of your artwork, all individuals must consent to the release of the work.

✰ Contributing to this project is completely voluntary.

✰ You are 18 or over the age of 18 years old.

✰ A La Moda is not liable for anything that occurs during the process of and the production

~ For more information please email